
Plutocracy(中文:财阀崛起 或 财阀政治) 游戏是Mac系统上一款2D策略模拟经营游戏。在这款游戏中,玩家将扮演商业奇才,通过投资和收购利润丰厚的公司,逐步建立自己的商业帝国,体验从普通市民到一方巨头的蜕变过程。
Plutocracy 游戏特色
Plutocracy 游戏玩法
• 游戏反映了公司和国家经济的真正动态机制。 达到大规模水平后,您可以影响价格,GDP,失业等的动态。 整个国家。
• 我们知道过度的微观管理是多么累人,所以除了手工管理公司内部的流程外,我们还做了自动化。 任命董事,他们将接管常规流程。 为当前的市场现实制定最合适的战略,并将管理任务委托给董事会。
您会制作血腥&贿赂 还是一身清白
• 在游戏中,你可以增加工人的生产计划,工作日的长度和减少工资。 但罢工的威胁会增长,企业的事故率会增加。 工作人员会大发雷霆,所有的工会都会打开你,但公司的盈利能力会增加。
• 罢工将影响产量,企业将遭受损失。 你会满足示威者的要求,还是在腐败警察的帮助下驱散不满的人群? 你会挤出员工的所有果汁,尽可能强硬,还是会以不同的方式激励员工并提高他们的技能? 每个决定都有自己的后果。
• 发行股票和债券,将您的公司资本化并将其带到证券交易所。 将您的公司联合起来成为信托和垄断企业,扩大您的影响力区域并获得市场份额。 您可以合并公司并吸收市场上的小公司。 或者你可以使用更肮脏的竞争方法。
• 与公司负责人建立信任关系,并与他们共谋,团结在卡特尔中。 一起,可以把市场上的产品价格降下来,挤出竞争对手,建立垄断后,提价3倍! 组织罢工和破坏竞争对手的企业,破坏供应和封锁物流。
• 市场是一个活生生的自组织事物,其中各行业的运作是相互联系的。 例如,您可以买断该地区的所有运输公司,并多次提高竞争对手的供应价格,就像洛克菲勒在夺取石油市场时所做的那样。
• 没有人愿意遭受损失。 咬牙切齿,竞争对手迟早会被迫把他们的公司卖给你。 但是你有足够的资源来执行这样一个昂贵的策略吗? 或者我们应该通过忠诚的政治家采取行动,并用必要的法律扼杀竞争对手?
• 选择任何可用的行业并吸收市场。 摧毁你的竞争对手,在通往目标的路上无情。 您可以开发和改进企业的基础设施。 技术带来更多的利润! 建造新的建筑,计划扩建,并获得更多的红利. 游戏会给你选择如何实现经济实力的权利。
• 在游戏中,行政部门由联邦和地方各级官员代表。 总督负责国家的福利、财政司库、检察官和警察的法律和秩序。
• 你会遇到一个模拟通过法律的真实过程,无论是在地区层面还是在全国层面。 游戏模拟美国的真实政治制度。 政治家解决融资,税收,管理,商业,教育,医疗保健,移民,社会计划等问题的重大问题。
• 你可以聘请政治游说者,他们可以狡猾而巧妙地找到论据来促进对你有利的法律或对你的竞争对手不利的法律。 赞助政治家的竞选活动,当你需要他们的帮助时,他们不会欠债。 或者在他们身上收集妥协的材料,并使用你控制的媒体,以免给那些拒绝成为你的傀儡的人留下保留他们职位的机会。
• 必要的账单将为您增加财富开辟新的机会。 在政界成名,提高你的地位,并与有影响力的官员和政治家建立良好的关系。
• 共和党人和民主党人的政党在意识形态上有所不同。 因此,如果你坚持裙带资本主义政策,希望政府对市场关系的监管影响较小,那么你应该争取共和党人的支持。
• 例如,您可以创建自己的垄断,并推动通过减少公司税的法案。 贪婪并不总是好的,学会平衡和兼顾各方和社会集群的利益,这样你的垄断就不会像纸牌屋一样崩溃。
• 但是,如果你认为民主党关于促进减少失业,增加工资,为人口提供福利等社会计划的法案是最适合你的利益,千万不要错过将法案推向签署和通过的机会!
• 为自己的目的使用政治家和官员。 你会提高人民的福祉和生活水平,还是只关心自己的福祉?
• 如果你想玩肮脏,你应该使用影响力的代理人,他们是你在困难情况下的助手。 有许多独特的角色,你可以与竞争对手战斗。 创造政治阴谋,秘密欺诈操纵并赢得竞争!
• 你有一个巨大的工具集:你可以使用的方法,如纵火,事故等。 并且还使用秘密和狡猾的方法:组织罢工并阻止竞争对手的生产,逃税,影响股票市场,使用记者和媒体的服务等等。 但要小心,每一个违法行为都受到法院的严格处罚! 或者确保法官和检察官站在你这边。
处世之道 将决定您的成功
• 在游戏中,经济和政治都有一张人脸:15千人物,包括股东,官员,政治家,有自己的利益,恐惧,野心,可以作为杠杆。 试想一下,一个游戏世界中,所有的角色相互互动,购买股票,游说他们的利益,试图安排他们的生活。
• 组织路线,并在有影响力的人之间建立有用的联系。 送礼物,帮助人们实现他们的抱负,你将获得巨大的资源。 在游戏中,每个角色都可能构成威胁或有权访问游戏资源。 因此,有意识地选择与谁建立联系!
• 在拍卖会上赢得奢侈品。 赢得有声望的地段的竞争,提高你的社会地位. 买马,你可以在比赛中赢钱。 稀有硬币或画作一定会涨价! 买房子并获得稳定的年租金,纯种马,汽车,游艇和飞机,以您的奢华生活炫目上层阶级。
• 收藏品和奢侈品也是建立友好关系的工具。 如果任何有影响力的人都喜欢稀有硬币,那么为什么不成为收藏家,在即将到来的社交活动中交朋友,就像当时的罗斯柴尔德和汉堡王子一样?
• 一个难忘的冒险等待着你,一个漫长,豪华,但艰难的生活。 强大的公司,腐败的政客和渴望金钱的股票鲨鱼......你会有足够的意志力和智慧来抵制这场斗争吗?
Plutocracy Mac版 (中文:财阀崛起 或 财阀政治)是一款集策略、模拟、经营于一体的深度游戏,玩家将在这里体验到从普通市民到商业巨头的蜕变过程。快来5v13.com游戏体验吧,一起踏上这场充满挑战与机遇的商业冒险之旅!在游戏中,你将面对强大的公司、腐败的政客和渴望金钱的股票鲨鱼……你有足够的意志力和智慧来抵制这场斗争吗?


Plutocracy Mac Crack version download is a 2D strategy simulation business game on the Mac os system collected by In this game, players will play as business wizards and gradually build their own business empires by investing in and acquiring profitable companies, experiencing the transformation process from ordinary citizens to powerful tycoons.
Game features of Plutocracy for Mac cracked game:
Investment and mergers and acquisitions: Players need to accurately grasp market dynamics, invest in potential companies, and initiate mergers and acquisitions at the right time to expand their business territory.
Capital operation: Use the power of capital to achieve business goals through means such as stock trading and bond issuance.
Industry monopoly: Gradually control key industries to achieve a monopoly position and influence the national economic lifeline.
Policy game: In the game, players can participate in policy formulation and use political resources to protect their business empires.
Gameplay of Plutocracy for Mac cracked game:
Players start as ordinary citizens and gradually accumulate capital, expanding their business empires through reasonable economic decisions. Policy, law, and other elements in the game can all become tools for players to create a favorable business environment. At the same time, players also need to deal with various emergencies and social changes, making the game both challenging and interesting.
A realistic economic system:
• The game reflects the real dynamic mechanisms of companies and national economies. After reaching a large scale, you can influence the dynamics of prices, GDP, unemployment, etc. of the entire country.
• We know how tiring excessive micromanagement is, so in addition to manually managing the internal processes of the company, we have also implemented automation. Appoint directors who will take over routine processes. Develop the most suitable strategy for the current market reality and delegate management tasks to the board of directors.
Will you engage in bloodshed and bribery or remain innocent?
• In the game, you can increase the production plan of workers, the length of working days, and reduce wages. But the threat of strikes will increase, and the accident rate of enterprises will increase. Workers will be furious, and all unions will turn against you, but the profitability of the company will increase.
• Strikes will affect production, and enterprises will suffer losses. Will you meet the demands of demonstrators or disperse dissatisfied people with the help of corrupt police? Will you squeeze all the juice out of employees as hard as possible, or inspire employees in different ways and improve their skills? Each decision has its own consequences.
Build your financial empire:
• Issue stocks and bonds, capitalize your company and bring it to the stock exchange. Unite your companies into trusts and monopolies, expand your influence area and gain market share. You can merge companies and absorb small companies in the market. Or you can use dirtier competition methods.
• Establish trust relationships with company leaders and collude with them and unite in cartels. Together, you can lower product prices in the market, squeeze out competitors, and after establishing a monopoly, triple the price! Organize strikes and sabotage competitors' enterprises, disrupt supplies and blockade logistics.
• The market is a living self-organizing thing, and the operations of various industries are interconnected. For example, you can buy out all transportation companies in the region and increase the supply prices of competitors several times, just as Rockefeller did when seizing the oil market.
• No one wants to suffer losses. Gnashing their teeth, competitors will sooner or later be forced to sell their companies to you. But do you have enough resources to implement such an expensive strategy? Or should we act through loyal politicians and strangle competitors with necessary laws?
• Choose any available industry and absorb the market. Destroy your competitors and be ruthless on the way to your goal. You can develop and improve the infrastructure of enterprises. Technology brings more profits! Build new buildings, plan expansions, and get more dividends. The game will give you the right to choose how to achieve economic power.
All aspects of politics:
• In the game, the administrative department is represented by officials at the federal and local levels. The governor is responsible for the welfare of the country, the treasurer, the prosecutor, and law and order for the police.
• You will encounter a real process of simulating the passage of laws, whether at the regional or national level. The game simulates the real political system of the United States. Politicians address major issues such as financing, taxation, management, business, education, healthcare, immigration, social programs, etc.
• You can hire political lobbyists who can cunningly and skillfully find arguments to promote laws favorable to you or laws unfavorable to your competitors. Sponsor the campaigns of politicians, and when you need their help, they will not be in debt. Or collect compromising materials on them and use the media under your control so as not to leave those who refuse to be your puppets a chance to retain their positions.
Bribery and lobbying:
• Necessary bills will open up new opportunities for you to increase your wealth. Become famous in the political arena, improve your status, and establish good relationships with influential officials and politicians.
• The Republican and Democratic parties are ideologically different. Therefore, if you adhere to the policy of crony capitalism and hope that the government's regulatory impact on market relations is smaller, then you should seek the support of Republicans.
• For example, you can create your own monopoly and promote the passage of a bill to reduce corporate taxes. Greed is not always good. Learn to balance and take into account the interests of all parties and social clusters so that your monopoly will not collapse like a house of cards.
• However, if you think that the Democratic Party's bills on promoting measures such as reducing unemployment, increasing wages, and providing welfare for the population are most in line with your interests, don't miss the opportunity to push the bill to be signed and passed!
• Use politicians and officials for your own purposes. Will you improve the well-being and living standards of the people, or only care about your own well-being?
Your agents:
• If you want to play dirty, you should use agents of influence who are your assistants in difficult situations. There are many unique characters that you can fight against competitors. Create political intrigues, secretly cheat and manipulate, and win the competition!
• You have a huge toolkit: methods you can use, such as arson, accidents, etc. And also use secret and cunning methods: organize strikes and stop the production of competitors, evade taxes, influence the stock market, use the services of journalists and the media, and so on. But be careful, every illegal act is strictly punished by the court! Or make sure that judges and prosecutors are on your side.
The way of dealing with the world will determine your success:
• In the game, both economy and politics have a human face: 15 thousand characters, including shareholders, officials, politicians, with their own interests, fears, and ambitions, can be used as levers. Imagine a game world where all characters interact with each other, buy stocks, lobby for their interests, and try to arrange their lives.
• Organize connections and establish useful connections among influential people. Send gifts and help people achieve their ambitions, and you will gain huge resources. In the game, each character may pose a threat or have access to game resources. Therefore, choose consciously with whom to establish connections!
The life of the rich:
• Win luxury goods at auctions. Win the competition for prestigious lots and improve your social status. Buy horses and you can win money in races. Rare coins or paintings are bound to increase in price! Buy a house and get a stable annual rent. Purebred horses, cars, yachts, and airplanes will dazzle the upper class with your luxurious life.
• Collections and luxury goods are also tools for building friendly relationships. If any influential person likes rare coins, then why not become a collector and make friends at an upcoming social event, just like the Rothschilds and
the Prince of Hamburg at that time?
• An unforgettable adventure awaits you, a long, luxurious, but difficult life. Powerful companies, corrupt politicians, and stock sharks craving money... Will you have enough willpower and wisdom to resist this struggle?
Plutocracy Mac version is a deep game that combines strategy, simulation, and business. Players will experience the transformation process from ordinary citizens to business giants here. Come to to download and experience it. Embark on this business adventure full of challenges and opportunities together! In the game, you will face powerful companies, corrupt politicians, and stock sharks craving money... Do you have enough willpower and wisdom to resist this struggle?


从mac应用程序中打开“Plutocracy Mac破解版”,在游戏界面“Options”的“Select Language”中选择“中文”,随后点击“Accept”,重启游戏即可!




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