
3 Minutes to Midnight 游戏是Mac系统上一款冒险游戏,游戏的故事围绕女主角贝蒂·安德森(Betty Anderson)展开。她醒来后发现自己失去了记忆,并面临一个紧迫的任务:阻止一场即将发生的灾难。在这个充满怪异角色和奇异情境的游戏世界中,玩家需要解开谜题、收集物品,并与各种角色互动,帮助贝蒂恢复记忆并阻止危机。
3 Minutes to Midnight 游戏特色
• 喜剧元素:游戏充满幽默和讽刺,轻松搞笑的风格让玩家在冒险中享受乐趣。
• 图形冒险:传统的指向点击界面,让玩家自由探索游戏环境,与物品互动,并与非玩家角色(NPCs)交谈,感受真实的冒险氛围。
• 谜题挑战:一系列逻辑谜题等待玩家挑战,解开谜题将推动故事的发展,让玩家更加深入地沉浸在游戏的世界中。
• 角色故事:丰富多彩的角色阵容和充满转折的故事线,玩家的选择将影响游戏的进程,带来不同的结局和体验。
沉浸在《3 Minutes to Midnight》的世界中,享受我们精心制作的配乐。这段音乐之旅将提升游戏的每一刻,让玩家更加深入地感受游戏的氛围和情感。
• 两卷史诗:原声带分为两卷,每卷包含30首曲目,总时长超过3小时。从紧张刺激的片段到平静反思的时刻,每一首曲目都专为游戏制作,让游戏世界栩栩如生。
• 才华横溢的作曲家:原声带收录了盖伊·琼斯、莱娅·塞拉、尼古拉斯·罗斯、卢伊斯·克雷斯皮和塞巴斯蒂安·洛佩斯等杰出作曲家的作品。他们独特的风格为游戏创造了充满活力和沉浸感的音景。
• 稻草人工作室制作:这部原声带由稻草人工作室精心制作和出版,体现了他们对高质量原创音乐的执着追求。每一个音符都经过精心打磨,确保配乐与游戏完美融合。
• 纯粹的人类创造力:配乐100%由人类制作,每一首都是专门为游戏创作的。没有人工智能的参与,从头到尾都是纯粹的创造力体现,为游戏增添了独特的艺术魅力。
想要体验这款充满冒险与幽默的吗?快来走客(游戏《3 Minutes to Midnight》吧!这款游戏巧妙融合了指向点击的传统冒险游戏机制与现代游戏设计理念,为玩家带来全新的游戏体验。


3 Minutes to Midnight for Mac Crack, available from, is an adventure game centered around the protagonist Betty Anderson. She wakes up with no memory and faces the urgent task of preventing an impending disaster. In this world filled with quirky characters and bizarre situations, players must solve puzzles, collect items, and interact with various NPCs to help Betty recover her memory and avert the crisis.
Features of 3 Minutes to Midnight for Mac
• Comedy Elements: The game is filled with humor and satire, offering a light-hearted and funny experience that keeps players entertained throughout their adventure.
• Graphical Adventure: Traditional point-and-click interface allows players to freely explore the game environment, interact with objects, and converse with NPCs, immersing them in a genuine adventure atmosphere.
• Puzzle Challenges: A series of logical puzzles await players, driving the story forward and deepening their engagement with the game world.
• Rich Character Stories: A diverse cast of characters and a plot filled with twists and turns. Player choices influence the game's progression, leading to different endings and experiences.
Musical Journey: Original Soundtrack of 3 Minutes to Midnight
Immerse yourself in the world of 3 Minutes to Midnight with our meticulously crafted soundtrack. This musical journey enhances every moment of the game, deepening players' emotional connection and immersion.
Soundtrack Highlights
• Epic Two-Volumes: The soundtrack is divided into two volumes, each containing 30 tracks, totaling over 3 hours of music. From intense and thrilling segments to calm and reflective moments, each track is tailored to bring the game world to life.
• Talented Composers: Featuring works by distinguished composers such as Guy Jones, Lea Sara, Nicholas Ross, Luis Crespi, and Sebastian Lopez. Their unique styles contribute to a vibrant and immersive soundscape.
• Strawman Studios Production: Carefully produced and published by Strawman Studios, the soundtrack reflects their commitment to high-quality original music. Every note is finely polished to ensure perfect harmony with the game.
• Pure Human Creativity: The entire soundtrack is 100% human-made, with each track specifically composed for the game. No AI involvement, from start to finish, it is a pure expression of creativity, adding unique artistic charm to the game.
Want to Experience This Adventure-Filled and Humorous Mac Game?
Visit to download 3 Minutes to Midnight and immerse yourself in a game that seamlessly combines traditional point-and-click adventure mechanics with modern game design principles, offering a fresh and exciting gaming experience.




Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia|macOS 10.15或更高
