
Rhythm Doctor 游戏是Mac系统上一款是一款节奏医生游戏,这款游戏由7th Beat Games开发和发行,凭借其独特的游戏机制和精美的视听效果,受到了广大玩家的喜爱。
Rhythm Doctor 游戏特色
• 独特的游戏机制:《Rhythm Doctor》的游戏机制非常独特。玩家需要在特定的节奏下按下空格键,以匹配出现在屏幕上的心跳图形。每个关卡都有不同的时间签名和节奏变化,需要玩家具备精确的时间感和反应能力。
• 多样化的关卡:游戏中有超过20个精心设计的关卡,每个关卡都有不同的音乐和节奏模式。随着游戏的进行,节奏会变得更加复杂和具有挑战性,玩家需要不断适应和提高技巧。每个关卡还有独特的故事情节,让玩家沉浸在游戏的世界中。
• 引人入胜的故事模式:游戏中有一个引人入胜的故事模式,讲述了一个关于医生和病人的故事。玩家可以通过完成关卡来逐步解锁故事的发展。故事情节充满了神秘和惊喜,让玩家更深入地投入到游戏中。
• 多人对战模式:《Rhythm Doctor》还提供了多人对战模式,玩家可以与朋友或其他玩家进行对战,看谁能在特定的节奏下按下空格键更准确和快速。这增加了游戏的竞争性和互动性。
• 精美的音乐和视觉效果:游戏中的音乐非常出色,配合着精美的像素艺术风格和视觉效果,营造出一种独特的游戏氛围。音乐和视觉效果相结合,给玩家带来了极致的游戏体验。
• 超过20个精心打造的关卡:每个关卡都包含丰富的剧情元素,让玩家在享受音乐的同时,感受精彩的故事。
• 循序渐进的音乐机制:每个关卡都会逐步引入新的音乐机制,帮助玩家轻松上手并逐步提高技巧。
• 包罗万象的故事线:游戏中穿插上演医生和患者的精彩演出,让玩家沉浸在丰富的故事情节中。
• 多人合作模式:无论是单人独享还是邀请朋友本地合作,都能充分领略游戏的乐趣。
• 强大的关卡编辑器:玩家可以自己创建、分享和试玩社区关卡,添加自己的音乐,精心调整谱面,并使用预设的50多种视觉特效和背景。
• 高难度“夜班模式”:专为高手准备的高难度模式,挑战极限,体验极致的游戏乐趣。
Rhythm Doctor 游戏玩法
• 简单的操作哲学:在《节奏医生》的世界中,玩家只需抓住完美时机在音乐的第七拍处按下空格键,为病人心脏除颤,产生神奇的医疗效果。
• 华丽夸张的声画演出:每个关卡都如同一部MV,精心制作的视觉和音效效果让玩家仿佛置身于音乐的世界中。
• 花样百出的视觉干扰:游戏中不仅有视觉提示,还有各种视觉干扰,增加了游戏的挑战性。
• 怪诞的剧情设定:玩家需要扮演心脏急救的医生,面对各种千奇百怪的病人,每个病人都对应着不同的音乐主题,如交错拍子、赫米奥拉拍子和不规则拍子等。
Rhythm Doctor for 体验
《Rhythm Doctor》通过独特的游戏机制、多样化的关卡、引人入胜的故事情节和精美的音乐和视觉效果,为玩家带来了一种令人难忘的游戏体验。每个关卡都循序渐进地引入新的音乐机制,让玩家在不知不觉中掌握复杂的节奏变化,享受成长的乐趣。
在,游戏《Rhythm Doctor Mac版》,体验这款独特而令人上瘾的节奏游戏,成为一名拯救生命的节奏医生!


Rhythm Doctor Crack, collected by Zhiniw for Mac OS users, is a rhythm doctor game developed and published by 7th Beat Games. Thanks to its unique game mechanics and exquisite audio-visual effects, it has garnered widespread affection among players.
Features of Rhythm Doctor for Mac Cracked Version
• Unique Game Mechanics: The game mechanics of Rhythm Doctor are highly distinctive. Players need to press the spacebar at specific rhythms to match the heartbeat graphic appearing on the screen. Each level features different time signatures and rhythm changes, requiring players to possess precise timing and reaction skills.
• Diverse Levels: The game includes over 20 meticulously crafted levels, each with unique music and rhythm patterns. As the game progresses, the rhythms become more complex and challenging, necessitating players to continuously adapt and improve their techniques. Each level also features a unique storyline, immersing players in the game's world.
• Engaging Story Mode: Rhythm Doctor offers an engaging story mode that tells a narrative about doctors and patients. Players can unlock the progression of the story by completing levels. The plot is filled with mystery and surprises, drawing players deeper into the game.
• Multiplayer Battle Mode: Rhythm Doctor also features a multiplayer battle mode where players can compete against friends or other players to see who can press the spacebar more accurately and quickly at specific rhythms. This adds a competitive and interactive element to the game.
• Stunning Music and Visual Effects: The music in the game is exceptional, complemented by beautiful pixel art style and visual effects, creating a unique game atmosphere. The combination of music and visuals delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.
• Over 20 Carefully Crafted Levels: Each level contains rich narrative elements, allowing players to enjoy the music while experiencing captivating stories.
• Gradual Introduction of Music Mechanics: Each level progressively introduces new musical mechanics, helping players get started easily and steadily improve their skills.
• Comprehensive Storyline: The game interweaves captivating performances between doctors and patients, immersing players in a rich and intricate storyline.
• Multiplayer Co-op Mode: Whether playing solo or inviting friends for local co-op, players can fully enjoy the game's fun.
• Powerful Level Editor: Players can create, share, and play community levels, add their own music, carefully adjust the charts, and utilize over 50 preset visual effects and backgrounds.
• High-Difficulty “Night Shift” Mode: Designed for advanced players, this high-difficulty mode challenges limits and offers extreme gaming enjoyment.
Gameplay of Rhythm Doctor for Mac Cracked Version
• Simple Operation Philosophy: In the world of Rhythm Doctor, players need to hit the spacebar at the perfect moment on the seventh beat of the music to defibrillate a patient's heart, producing magical medical effects.
• Spectacular Audio-Visual Performances: Each level resembles an MV, with carefully crafted visual and sound effects that immerse players in a world of music.
• Various Visual Distractions: Besides visual cues, the game also features various visual distractions, adding to the game's challenge.
• Bizarre Plot Setup: Players assume the role of a cardiac emergency doctor, facing a variety of bizarre patients, each corresponding to different musical themes such as mixed meters, hemiola rhythms, and irregular meters.
Experience of Rhythm Doctor for Mac Cracked Version
Rhythm Doctor offers an unforgettable gaming experience through its unique game mechanics, diverse levels, engaging storylines, and stunning music and visual effects. Each level gradually introduces new musical mechanics, allowing players to unconsciously grasp complex rhythm changes and enjoy the pleasure of growth.
At, download Rhythm Doctor for Mac to experience this unique and addictive rhythm game and become a rhythm doctor who saves lives!




Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia|macOS 10.13或更高
